Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Nothing to do, nothing to fix.

I’ve just returned from Hawaii – a place where the mild climate, soft breezes, moist air and unmatched natural beauty remind us of what a magnificent gift it is to be alive, receiving all of this beauty and splendor.  But even on the islands, there are times when the nervous system reverts to habits of tension and will then pressurize the situation - not intentionally, but out of fear and subconscious beliefs.

This is one of the reasons I feel so grateful for my practice, which allows me to sense these habits at play and see them without identifying with a story and perpetuating shame scripts by making it about me.

It becomes very simple: awareness itself is self-correcting.  It stops feeding the habits, and without trying to fix anything a course correction is made.  Simply by ceasing what takes me out of a sense of connection, the connection once again becomes obvious.

There is nothing to do, nothing to fix.  The beauty inherent in this moment naturally reveals itself, and we are renewed in the receiving.  What a gift!